Gospel to Windsor - Essex, ON
We are striving to preach the gospel and establish Bible preaching churches in the Windsor - Essex region of Ontario, Canada!
Growing up in Christian families, my wife (Mandi) and I (Jason) learned about Christ and were saved by God’s grace through faith at young ages. We have no doubt that even as young people God was preparing us for full-time ministry and for one another.
My journey into the preaching ministry began when I enrolled in a One-Year-Bible program at West Coast Baptist College (WCBC). God used WCBC in my life to call me to preach and to further my Bible and ministry training with a major in Evangelism. Mandi and I met at Bible college and in 2014 we were married. Since then, God led us to Open Bible Baptist Church of Aylmer, ON where I began serving as the youth pastor and God blessed us with two awesome kids, Lottie and Wilson.
Over the next several years of ministry God continued to develop in us a burden for the many people without Christ in the expanding border cities of Ontario. Growing populations in regions such as Niagara, Welland, Sarnia, and Windsor came to our awareness and their growing need for the gospel. We believe God has led us specifically to the Windsor - Essex region. By God’s grace, we have a strong passion to impact the lives of others for the cause of Christ and for God to use our lives for His glory.
Baptist Missions to Forgotten Peoples
P.O. Box 37043, Jacksonville, FL 32236
904-783-4007 | bmfp.org
Canadian Office
21 Jameston Avenue
Hamilton, ON L9C 2R9